I’m Going Going, Back Back, to Cali Cali

It is time to make the pilgrimage back to my promise land! It’s been so long since I’ve been to So cal (or a beach for that matter), the reality of my trip may cause for my brain to combust from shear excitement. Being a So Cal native, it’s hard not to live there anymore, and with my work schedule it’s very hard to get back even though it’s a mere 3 hours away. So close, but so far. Back in college I remember my AZ friends saying that Californians were arrogant. My thought was always “you’d be arrogant if you lived there too.” I mean c’mon, where else can you drive literally 2 hours in any direction and hit multiple geographic regions (i.e desert, mountains, beach, etc.) There’s so much to do there, that if you get bored, get in the car and drive and you can find some new adventure to get into. Plus the mild weather, ugh how I miss the glorious weather! Living in Satan’s Butt crack makes me long for a normal summer.

Since it’s the tail end of summer, this trip could not have come at a better time. I will help a good friend spend her last weekend before her law school adventure begins. My destination will be SD and I plan on enjoying every single minute of it. One of these days I will get back to the land that I love permanently. Now, I shall go caffeinate and get ready for some shenanigans! California or bust!


10 thoughts on “I’m Going Going, Back Back, to Cali Cali

      1. Haha well if you did go to SDSU you might not have gotten anything done! None of my friends who went there have graduated yet!


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